About Us: Our Approach
We believe that a deep understanding of consumer needs and emotionally driven behavior is essential to developing solutions that
people embrace and value.
The company focuses its creative energies on solving problems located at the intersection of two worlds – human behavior and large-scale digital networks.
Although the world around us changes constantly, the world within us – how and why we behave the way we do – is fairly stable across time and context. We believe that a deep understanding of consumer needs and emotionally driven behavior is essential to developing solutions that people embrace and value. In that sense, we are “behavior-focused” inventors in a world filled with new technologies.
While it may be true that human nature has not changed much in the last 20 or 50 years, or even since the ancient Greeks first wrote tragedies and comedies, the tools we have to express our behaviors have changed radically. Today, digital devices and data-driven networks are all around us and we are constantly connected. The success of new networks inevitably creates unexpected new capabilities and opportunities, as history has shown time and again.
The railroads, the electrical network and the interstate highway system are all examples of earlier networks that both connected us and transformed us. Each fundamentally changed the way people around the world lived, worked, traveled and interacted socially and commercially.
The world is experiencing a repeat of this pattern with digital networks. Our new reality has forced a rethinking of every industry along the lines of its information flow. In the digital age, a large part of the commercial economy derives substantial value from creating, capturing, manipulating, storing, retrieving and moving information across networks — as opposed to more traditional activities such as forging steel or growing crops (both of which become more information-intensive every year).
The desire to be rewarded doesn’t change all that much whether we’re pumping gas, buying clothing at a retail store or making travel arrangements online.
Our focus on behavior and network thinking allows us to address problems that are fundamentally multi-industry, something that makes our portfolio of inventions unique. As an example, the desire to be rewarded doesn’t change all that much whether we’re pumping gas, buying clothing at a retail store or making travel arrangements online. And, nowadays, most of these transactions take place at a digital point of access to a network.
So… how might we create a new business system that satisfies our universal need to be rewarded and leverages low-cost, high-speed network capacity? How might the desire for privacy be balanced against our desire to receive valuable advertisements? How might our willingness to accept certain kinds of product uncertainty be traded for a lower price when shopping? These are the kinds of questions we ask ourselves every day.